Wednesday, January 13, 2010

If you still read this Mrs. Savido

Lately i have been captureing alot of gameplay from the latest street fighter, being Street Fighter 4. I have officially decided that i can weave a tutorial video that can teach anyone
the basics and a few intermiediate and advanced tactics. This video won't really take long to complete it is just the thought of what exactly should i teach them in the video how i should explain things how my visualizations will work my explanations of controlling space with a few legendary moments in the fighting game community at the end to show them what they can become. Please actuallly read this and give me some feed back.


  1. 1/19/2010
    -EQ – What does it take to become a pro gamer? (both arcade and console)
    -awaiting interviewees
    -Isaiah C. (Owns Empire Arcadia) (initial contact)
    -Anthony Ngyuen – Pro Gamer (initial contact)
    -Action Plan – tutorial video (uploaded onto Ngyuen’s website)
    -move things to H Drive

  2. Dedicating huge chunks of your life to practicing a specific game in order to go pro is worth it because it gives you an opportunity to make money, travel all over the world, and compete against your idols, all doing something you love and all before the age of 30.
