Friday, January 30, 2009

LP LP ----> LK HP = Shun Goku Satsu ^_^


  • Fighting Games been around for 20 yrs
  • Street Fighter was the first ever fighting game
  • Fighting Games have one of the largest fan base to date
  • Tournaments are a hugely attended events for people around the world

Friday, January 23, 2009

Bread and Butter

So today as my amazing blog was shown to the entire class. i Set up a Gamebattles account and joined the pro circuit in street fighter 2 HD REMIX. well ill have to wait till later tonight to see if they sennd me a match request via my AIM account. Wish me luck im offcially in a pro circuit.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

This Battle is about to explode...FIGHT!

Today i added a few key terms to my blog. for you to look at. I practiced a little bit last night i played a pro online in street fighter that goes by the name of nicaKO. whom is my favorite in the pro circuit. He gave me a few tips and lead me to his intruction video on youtube. I'll post that video on my blog whenever i go home. I also uploaded a new match. its me versus my cusin in a 3 set Casual match in street fighter 3rd strike. Today i plan on going online again and playing a few people in some casuals and possibly set a tourney up for this weekend. If i win ill be recording everysecond of it.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oreno Kachi DA!!!! (Victory is mine)

Oh yes its official there is a Tounament here in PIttsburgh April 3 im pretty pleased about this you have no idea trust me. so this will be the first step into my grad project i'm hearing there will be a couple professinals in this tourney coming from areas such as New York, and San Fransico. I'm going to start my pratice back up this weekend so i can be fully prepared for this tournament. My Schedule will be 2 Hours of Street Fighter 3, 3 Hours of Capcom vs Snk 2 and a few casuals in Guilty Gear so i can be up to par. Also i have completely Paid off my copy street fighter 4 so as of February 17th i will be takeing this day of school off additional to the already long weekend. yea i know it sounds pretty bad, but this is for my interest and the sake of my grad project as well.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Unwritten Code of Honor

Yesterday after school i sent David Sirlin a email asking if an interview was possible. luckily he said yes. i told him that i will be making a well thought out list of questions and send them to him. He agreed with my decision. that's where I'm standing now as of today.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The answer lies in the heart of battle

So today i got a positive "OK" on my decsison of how to become a pro gamer in the field of fighting games. i have actually sent a PRO player David Sirlin a proposal to interview him on such a topic.

Friday, January 9, 2009

You never truly know a man...until you fight him -Seraph Matrix: Reloaded

After today i have read 13 pages of "Playing to Win". I will be proposeing a topic to Mrs. Savido monday to see her thoughts on it, and to get advice on how to tweak it to make it better. Here in the last 5 minutes of class I'm now deeply considering doing a topic of what it takes to become the best. I will probally be doing some execution training tonight and all weekend. To prepare for a possible Tournament in April.

Grad Projects of the US

These Grad projects that i have just read about in the 3 articles posted. All seem to have the same basis.

  • Minimum amount of time required to work
  • Ability to find a mentor
  • Picking a Topic of your full interest
  • Have Fun Reaserching

hmmm....I Wonder

Well over the past week i have been jumping around a few topics. mainly all some how dealing with martial arts, and my hobby of striveing to become a pro player in the video game Street Fighter. There are actually a few books I've been looking at such as "Playin to Win" by David Sirlin. Whom is a current U.S Champion in the game of Street Fighter. In the book Sirlin actually touches upon what it takes to be a pro. he states very interesting facts and truth about the gameing universe. this book will most likely be one of my main sources.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

PItfalls of Blogging....?

The main pitfalls of frequent blogging. Will have to be problems such as possible addiction, lost touch of reality, and the actual neglect of a "real" personal life.